Stag & Dagger Festival 2018

Stag & Dagger has been around for almost a full decade, originating in hipster central AKA London’s Shoreditch, which houses many new creatives and upcoming musicians. The festival had only one year under its fledgling belt before bequeathing Sauchiehall Street as its sister location in early 2009. Since then the mini-festival has grown in sizeContinue reading “Stag & Dagger Festival 2018”

Tracks of 2017 (10-1)

10. TeenCanteen – ‘Millions’ [Last Night From Glasgow] ‘Millions’, and the Sirens EP that contained it, was an unexpected deep and emotional turn from TeenCanteen, but this track is quite possibly their strongest work to date. This very personal number cover reflects on singer Carla J Easton’s feelings on her dad’s passing some time after theContinue reading “Tracks of 2017 (10-1)”

EPs of 2017 (10-1)

Albums 30-21 – 20-11 – 10-1 EPs 30-21 – 20-11 – 10-1 10. Foreignfox – I Used To Be A Bellydancer [Scottish Fiction] Explosive, passionate and honest, I Used To Be A Bellydance added another EP to Foreignfox’s collection, establishing their identity and staying true to the burly Scottish accents and deep-seated, emotive melodies we’ve come to love. Huge, suspense-filled tracks,Continue reading “EPs of 2017 (10-1)”

Spiral Oh presents EAT FAST, HOME$LICE, West Princes, Unskilled Labour at The Old Hairdressers, 7/12/17

Unskilled Labour kick off the Spiral Oh night at The Old Hairdressers, the band consists of two players, switching between bass and guitar playing along to drum tracks. Unskilled Labour dress appropriately in workie clothing, yellow fluorescent vest and cowboy hats fitting to their band name, entertaining the crowd with their act having a comedicContinue reading “Spiral Oh presents EAT FAST, HOME$LICE, West Princes, Unskilled Labour at The Old Hairdressers, 7/12/17”

Introducing… Home$lice

Glasgow’s Home$lice has fast become of the trailblazers of the city’s lo-fi scene, with their shimmery, dreamy sounds that’s capability of hitting explosive post punk or glittering pop, and 2017 seems set to be what sends them further afield. The year started with their first proper EP, Young Creatives, which demonstrated the band’s knack fromContinue reading “Introducing… Home$lice”

HOME$LICE, Shredd, The Ediots at Sleazy’s, 24/2/17

Opening proceedings tonight The Ediots caress a gentle surfy vibe, teasing sunny snapshots as Eddie Stewart’s nonchalant lead vocal is punctuated by the occasional high whimper. When they do up the tempo they go more tropical tinged classic rock than the garage you might expect; ‘Golden Girls’ continues along the same shinning surf lines withContinue reading “HOME$LICE, Shredd, The Ediots at Sleazy’s, 24/2/17”

HOME$LICE – Young Creatives

Glaswegian five-piece HOME$LICE return with their latest EP Young Creatives after cementing themselves as the trailblazers of a lo-fi scene which has been gathering momentum for several years now. Opener ‘Come Up To Fade’ thrashes the record into life in proper old-school garage rock fashion; lead vocalist Josh McDowall howls like a youthful Julian CasablancasContinue reading “HOME$LICE – Young Creatives”

FUZZKILL RECORDS presents Shredd (EP launch), HOME$LICE, Black Cat Revue at The Old Hairdressers, 21/1/17

A Fuzzkill show is rarely a tame affair, but tonight’s show manages to blow it out the water with a headliner that grasps the show by collar and engulfs the venue in as chaotic an atmosphere as I’ve witnessed in a while. That said tonight nearly never happened, well maybe that’s taking it a bitContinue reading “FUZZKILL RECORDS presents Shredd (EP launch), HOME$LICE, Black Cat Revue at The Old Hairdressers, 21/1/17”